Pre-Conference Workshop Day

Tuesday, February 11

8:30 am Light Breakfast & Check-In

Workshop A – 9:30 am

Tackling Challenges in Throughput Using Automation & Miniaturization Without Compromising Data Quality to Obtain Actionable Insights for Drug Discovery & Development

  • Debora Bonenfant Vice President, Head of Proteomics, Monte Rosa Therapeutics
  • Alex Campos Senior Director - Systems Biology & Proteomics, Plexium Inc.
  • Mahmud Hossain Senior Scientist - Disease Profiling & Functional Genomics, Proteomics, Sanofi


Efficient sample preparation is essential for high-quality proteomics data but presents several challenges, particularly in terms of time to prep and introducing error affecting data consistency. This workshop will delve into solutions for overcoming these challenges, focusing on how automation and miniaturization can enhance workflow efficiency and data quality. We’ll explore the latest advancements in robotic systems, discuss the impact of sample miniaturization on data integrity, and address common bottlenecks in sample processing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Addressing the challenges of protein loss in sample preparation, including the variability introduced by protein digestion, fractionation, and chromatography on data quality and processing efficiency
  • Exploring the benefits of robotic systems for automating sample preparation, aiming to reduce variability and improve consistency across large sample volumes
  • Integrating miniaturization to increase the speed of sample prep workflows and handling small sample volumes effectively while maintaining data accuracy

12:30 pm Lunch Break & Networking

Workshop B – 1:30 pm

Finding the Sweet Spot: Integrating Proteomics in Your Process to Accelerate Drug Development for Better Small Molecule Therapies


Proteomics can theoretically be applied anywhere from drug discovery to clinical biomarkers, but the industry is still finding the best use cases for different proteomic techniques. This workshop will explore the optimal stages of drug development for applying proteomics, helping you generate actionable and must-know data at all steps of your drug development. Join us as we discuss strategies to maximize the value of proteomics, from early-stage discovery to biomarker analysis and understand how to integrate proteomics effectively with other methodologies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Avoid the common pitfalls of using proteomics too early or too late and learn how to maximize it’s impact in drug discovery and development
  • Discover how to complement proteomics with other omic techniques for filling critical information gaps during drug development
  • Gain insights into converting proteomics data into actionable outcomes to optimize candidates and advance your drug program

End of Pre-Conference Workshop Day